The UNcivilized Podcast

| Sep 10, 2020

The Core Wound of Humanity with Lauren Walsh

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“I am not enough”, a phrase that often stops us from moving forward in life, relationships, work, and in many aspects of our lives. Today's guest knows first-hand the damage that this phrase causes. In this episode, I had the opportunity to talk with Lauren Walsh. Lauren is the leader of one of the largest women's movements around the world. After going through an abusive relationship, Lauren, for many years, worked to heal that wound and to be who she is now, a strong woman with an incredible business, a force to be reckoned with.

How to get out of an abusive relationship, the "I am not enough" as the core wound of humanity, rock bottom as a success helper, women's history and what they overcame during the years; those are some of the subjects for today's episode that you can't miss.

About Lauren

Lauren Elizabeth Walsh is the Founder and CEO of Global Sisterhood:  A sanctuary for rising women on the path of self-discovery with a movement of Women's Circles in over 100 countries. Providing the training, resources, and community for women to start their own new moon circles and grow as feminine leaders. Global Sisterhood is bringing women together to find power and healing, breaking molds of competition, and replacing them with sisterhood and connectedness. Lauren is passionate about the liberation of the feminine essence and helping women heal from traumatic imprints and low self-esteem due to growing up in an out-of-balance patriarchal society.

Lauren's work is based on her own journey from trauma and self- sabotage, to service and leadership. She is a devoted student of Amazonian ritual and ceremony, the body's emotional-energetic matrix, prayer, meditation, and living passionately.  She has received training from healer Clara Shinoba Lura of the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers. For more than 10 years Lauren has assisted in the facilitation of spiritual ceremonies in various leadership capacities.

Connect with Lauren

Instagram: @TheGlobalSisterhood

What you'll hear

2:10 Austin, Texas's situation during the pandemic.
3:02 What inspires Lauren about the pandemic.
6:56 What scares Lauren about the pandemic
9:06 Lauren's thoughts about mind  and culture shifting.
10:41 Lauren's story and how did she get to where she is now.
14:21 How to use rock bottom as a success helper.
17:59 How she overcame an abusive relationship.
21:34 The "I am not enough" pandemic as the core wound of humanity.
26:56 Lauren explains the 'Heal your life' term.
30:14 Her beginnings helping others.
34:26 Her self-discovery during her healing process.
36:23 How is her present healing her past.
37:49 The purpose of healing.
39:01 The history of women throughout the years and what caused the thought of "I am not enough" in them.
47:23 The first step to get out of a hurting situation.
50:58 What Lauren thinks women should do when their partner shames their growth.
52:32  First steps for men to help and understand the women's movements.
55:32 Where to find Lauren.

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Start here: Get your free copy of the UNcivilized Ethos now.

Step 2: Get your copy of my new book: Man UNcivilized.

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