The UNcivilized Men's Initiation: A Reintroduction to the Primal and Divine

Five Immersive Days Exploring The Depths Of Being A Man.

Let’s unlock the dimensions of healing and empowerment men can’t unlock alone.

Let’s unlock the dimensions of healing and empowerment men can’t unlock alone.

Let’s unlock the dimensions of healing and empowerment men can’t unlock alone.

April 7th–11th 2025 · Jefferson, CO
(3pm Monday – 1pm Friday)

What is the UNcivilized Initiation?


Please direct all questions to [email protected]

Starting Monday night, April 7th, 2025 we’re taking a group of men through a transformative process using the wilderness, somatic group work, decades of therapeutic wisdom, exploration of your deep nature, breathwork, and the wisdom of horses.

This powerful experience is for men looking to unlock the next best versions of themselves faster than they ever could on their own.

If you’re reading this and are ready to step into your next evolution as a man — fully expressed — released of old wounds and limiting patterns — WE WANT YOU WITH US.

For FIVE days and FOUR nights in a closed container we will commune as men, learn as men, and live as men.

This workshop is not for the uncommitted or the faint of heart. It will challenge you, change you, and change how you walk in the world as a man.

Are you in?

Group shot of the Initiation participants

Please direct all questions to [email protected]


Hear what our past participants have to say about their experience at the UNcivilized Initiation.

I know what you're thinking...

“It sounds great in theory, but is it really possible?”

Can you really...

  • Release yourself of society’s baggage around what it means to be a man and live without apology
  • Radically shift your experience and that of those around you by deeply embracing the primal within you
  • Connect to a power beyond yourself to gain guidance, wisdom, and connection
  • Learn how to be a beacon of safety for yourself and those around you
  • Free yourself from past traumas and deeply buried pain so you can breathe again
  • Confront the ways you’re numbing, avoiding, and running from what scares you the most — YOUR POWER
Oh yes, you most certainly can.
Michael Gay leading a workshop


Traver Boehm


Traver is a long-time apprentice to the sources of strength and vitality in human beings. He sees that when men get connected to their deep nature, both Primal and Divine, they become connected to the places where real leadership, contact, honesty, and power come from. In this time, Traver will guide you on how to connect to and live from these places inside you.

You can find out more about him here.

Duey Freeman

Duey Freeman, MA LPC

Duey has decades of experience teaching and working with people in a therapeutic context, as well as living in connection with nature and his horses. He has a potent ability to find the simple but profound core of otherwise stiflingly complex issues. In this time, he will take you through teachings and experiential processes to help you uncomplicate yourself and your relationships, and find real ground you can move from.

You can find out more about him here.

Michael Gay

Michael Gay

Michael’s years of wilderness work and private practice have shown him that many men’s over-reliance on the brilliance of their mind and otherwise valuable skills with self-reliance are often the glass ceilings in men's transformation and healing. In this time, he will support you in waking up other paths to your fullness through work with wilderness, breathwork, and somatic group process.

You can find out more about him here.

David Boyd

David is the President of UNcivilized Inc, a trauma-informed men's coach, a workshop facilitator, a husband, a father, a veteran of the United States Marine Corps and the war in Afghanistan, an ex-MMA fighter, a CrossFit coach, and a former first responder who served as a firefighter, a 911 telecommunicator, and lastly as a local law enforcement officer with nearly 20 years of combined service.

After leaving public service Dave has dedicated his life to helping men from all walks of life to overcome obstacles and build resiliency in the lives they deserve to be living.  

You can find out more about him here.

The horses

Horses are profound teachers. They are mirrors for the ways we show up in the world energetically. They show us what’s at the heart of connection and contact. They help us release the many human ways we overcomplicate or distort the living experience of contact with judgment, language, self-concept, ego, and elaborate ideas. Horses keep things at the heart, and they’ll teach you to do the same.


Spaces are limited. This will sell out.


Please direct all questions to [email protected]

The UNcivilizing: A Men's Initiation into the Primal and the Divine

will take you on a journey through:



The primal
and Divine

Framing your new paradigm of masculinity with Traver




How to build authentic relationships with Duey



The Wild

How to work with anger, grief, fear, and shame with Michael




Identifying and shifting Entitlement into fierce & unapologetic expression with Traver




Letting go of control and creating trust in every relationship with Duey



The Wild

Learning to harness your inner compass out in the wilderness with Michael




Creating a new relationship with your darkness and your ability to lead with Traver




Creating a new template for relating to the feminine with Duey



The Power
of Breath

A group Breathwork experience to release what is buried deep within you and powerfully reset your nervous system with Micheal

Bonus #1

Fire & The Mountain — Guided Morning Meditation For Leaders.

Start your day on fire with your head, heart and balls all connected.

Bonus #2

The Man UNcivilized

This course is how you go from white belt to black belt as a man.

Here’s what some of our graduates of our work have told us:

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The UNcivilized Men’s Initiation in Austin was my first deep dive into Men’s work proper, having only joined the UNcivilized Nation a few months prior.

It was terrifying, confronting and edge-testing in all of the best ways and I can't say enough about not only the facilitators (Traver, Duey and Michael), but also the reassuring presence of men experienced in the space and ready to support you on a peer to peer level.

This event has forever changed the trajectory of my life and shown me the power available to us all in genuine relationships with other MEN. Jump on in my brothers...you will not regret it!
–Josh Mercer, BC, Canada

A gut feeling lead me to the Initiation, and I am so grateful I listened.

The leadership there helped me understand and release one of my biggest wounds; taking responsibility for others' wellbeing. I returned to my partner and my community as a beacon of strength and safety, and 6 months later I’m still integrating and learning from my experiences. I was hungry for a way to feel more alive in this world, and the Initiation provided a template for how I want to move forward.
–Jesse Carter, MA

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I have been on a journey of sorts for years to find a better version of myself. I was stuck!

In April, I flew to Austin, Texas to spend 5 days on a ranch with 29 men that I had never met before. The idea was to understand what it truly means to be a man in modern times.

Men present themselves as they are over the 5-day event. There is no judgement. It is a time to strip away the masks of who you think that you are to please others or yourself and look for a new balance point. Duey, Michael and Traver lead men down a pathway of identifying the point of imbalance within the participants, owning whatever it is and working to undo the stories that we tell ourselves to deal with it.

Men are supporting men during this process. They step up for each other as they struggle with feeling emotions for the first time in a long time. There is a massive power in the collective male support regardless of the issue at hand.

Take the step for yourself and those that you love and become UNcivilized.
–Chris. M, Los Angeles, NC

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I had known for a while that I was suppressing some of my negative emotions — specifically sadness. I had been trying to allow myself to feel and express this, but unbeknownst to me, there was another part of myself keeping me from being able to feel a lot of things in my life. It was only with the support and guidance of the men at the UNcivilized Men's Initiation that the "strong" part of myself was able to step back from a protector role and allow some of these emotions to start moving again.
– David Wenig, WY

As a therapist in training, everything feels new. I am communicating differently. I am listening more deeply. I am learning how to surrender a former desire to control the world around me. I'm relearning the ways in which I navigate in the world. I am releasing a lifetime of feeling isolated and separated from my core nature.

The distance between me and my heart is less every day. UNcivilized has created a roadmap home for me during this time of significant change and growth that I didn't find at school. The leadership here is a rare breed, they practice what they preach. I work with men everyday as clients. My number one recommendation? Attend an Initiation. Now. A miraculous thing happens. Very humbly, life starts over, and doors that once felt closed, begin to open again from being Uncivilized.
– Nick Sharp

Traver Boehm leading a workshop

This workshop is perfect if you want to:

  • Own your masculine power
  • Understand how to hold heart-led powerful boundaries
  • Release the trauma that’s holding you back from expressing yourself unapologetically
  • Work with three of the field’s leading experts
  • Embrace your deepest power and innate wildness
  • Let go of your limiting beliefs and implanted stories about who you are and what you’re capable of
  • Create a new relationship with the very land you walk on daily.


You’re either living your fantasy daily or you’re fantasizing. YOUR CHOICE.

We’ve been where you are and now the path you’re about to take. It’s the most rewarding journey you can ever take —

It’s the journey to freedom, truth, and authenticity.

Join us. Now.


Please direct all questions to [email protected]


Truly a one-of-a-kind experience on 5 acres of natural beauty in Jefferson, right outside of Denver, CO.

The lodge common space
The lodge bedroom
The lodge bedroom
The lodge camping site
The lodge outside view
The lodge drone shot

The Initiation includes:

UNcivilized Initiation group photo

  • 5-Day Workshop
  • Private chef/3 Paleo-esque meals a day
  • Full meals, snacks, teas, coffees, juices (ALL non-alcoholic drinks)
  • Lodging — private rooms and shared rooms are available OR you can bring your tent and camp out on the beautiful land. 
  • The Fire and the Mountain Meditation
  • The Man UNcivilized Online Course
  • Payment plans available
  • Flights and Transportation are not included.

Man participating in workshop

Solo Occupancy Room

with a queen bed

You’ll sleep in a queen size bed in your own private room.


Click Here To GET ME IN NOW! Click Here For Payment Plan!

Shared Occupancy Room

with a queen bed

Double Occupancy Room

with a twin bed

You’ll sleep in a twin size bed in a shared room.


Click Here ToGET ME IN NOW!


Shared Occupancy Room

with a twin bed

Camping Onsite

with your own tent

Camp outside on the beautiful site. Tent & supplies not provided.



Camping Onsite

with your own tent

Camp outside on the beautiful site. Tent & supplies not provided.


Click Here To GET ME IN NOW!Click Here For Payment Plan!


When does the Initiation Retreat take place?

The Initiation starts on Monday, April 7th at 3pm, and we wrap up on Friday, April 11th at 1pm.

What’s the facility like there?

Here is a LINK to the retreat location.

What’s the best way to arrive?

If you’re flying, plan to fly into Denver then you have about a 1.5-hour drive. Carpools can be arranged on your own through the group Telegram Channel.

What kind of food will we be eating?

We’ve got an amazing private chef who will be making sure you’re stuffed throughout the workshop. We’re going Paleo’esque with the aim to be eating unprocessed foods with lots of meat and veggies.

Will there be coffee?

Are you out of your mind?! Of course there will be.

Is it ok for me to show up with physical limitations?

Absolutely. Although there will be physical components to the workshop, all that is needed is your presence and willingness to do your best. This is not a competition.

Can I purchase this for someone I love?

100%. Please email [email protected] and my team will take care of you.

Outdoor activities during the Initiation

Please direct all questions to [email protected]
