Develop the magic PAUSE button for your racing mind and the pain in your life!
Meditation saved my life during my divorce.
OK, maybe that’s a bit dramatic, but it’s how I feel.
Left unchecked, the panic, nausea and racing thoughts would cripple me. I could spend 18 hours on the couch thinking about my ex, what went wrong, what she was doing, and more—and get absolutely nothing else done. Pure misery for hours and days on end.
There was one caveat though. The days when I went from bed to the meditation cushion, I could shift this completely around.
It was as if some outside force had a giant remote control hovering over my life and could push the PAUSE button on my misery. With each deep breath I took I would feel better. And more peaceful. And more in control over my internal world.
The more consecutive days I meditated, the longer this feeling stayed with me. The longer my butt was on the cushion each day, the more intense the feeling of peace became. It was like magic. I would do anything to make the pain take a five or ten minute walk and leave me alone.
In this course, I'll take you from zero minutes of meditation to 20 minutes in just three weeks.
And I’ll be with you every step of the way to avoid the two most common reasons people fall off of the meditation bandwagon:
- They don’t think they're meditating correctly.
- They need someone there with them for accountability.
These are solved by learning what the real experience of meditation is.
(It’s not the act of “stopping” our minds from thinking!)
And having me on the screen doing the exact thing you are. If I can stay down on the cushion, so can you.

This is the same program I’ve used to teach hundreds of people just like you how to build and maintain their life-changing meditation practices, allowing them to experience peace in their lives, less stress, and significantly more happiness.
In each of the 21 daily videos contained in this course, I’ll be sitting there meditating with you, giving you course corrections, and keeping you on task. We’ll start off easy with just 3 minutes of sitting, and build from there. In no time at all, you’ll be reaping the benefits coming from that 20-minute deep meditation.
Looking forward to sitting with you!
–Traver Boehm
Meditation Course

How long does this course take?
It’s a 21 day course. I recommend following along day by day to best absorb and create the habit of meditation.
How long do I have access to the course material?
You have it for life!
Is there personal coaching involved in the course?
While you’re on your own to do this at your own speed, there are coaches available for you throughout the program. Email [email protected] if you feel you need some personal work while you go through this.
Is there a defined start and end to this?
Nope, you’re free to start as soon as you register today! Dive in.

Traver Boehm
Traver Boehm knows men. How they think, what’s behind their behavior, and most importantly — their unique challenges in the modern landscape.
In 2016 after losing a pregnancy, his marriage, and his business partnership all within weeks of each other, he created a radical year-long social experiment to answer the question, “Who am I as a man?”
Traver is the the founder of the UNcivilized Men’s Movement, the fastest growing men’s movement in the world. He is the author of “Today I Rise”, and “Man UNcivilized” as well as a two-time TEDx speaker, men’s coach and podcaster.
Drawing upon an eclectic background ranging from professional bodyguard and Mixed Martial Arts to a Master’s Degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine and meditation, Traver counsels men, women, and couples on how to better understand men’s mental health and relationship difficulties.
With a passion for people and a unique lens through which to view the human experience, Traver is a highly sought after teacher in the fields of consciousness, relationship, and personal development.
Check out his amazing TEDx talk by clicking here.
Instagram: @traverboehm