The UNcivilized Podcast

| Dec 21, 2022

Episode three of The Ethos Tenets - Be Dangerous but not a Danger

Listen to the UNcivilized Podcast:

The more dangerous you are, the less of a danger you will be. The man who is civilized, who has something to prove, who walks around with a chip on his shoulder, who is in denial of his true nature is where the danger lies. Do you make those you walk among safer?
If you look at the civilized world and think, "no thank you," then you should subscribe to our podcast, so you don't miss a single episode! Also, join the uncivilized community, and connect with me on my website, YouTube, or Instagram so you can join in on our live recordings, ask questions to guests, and more.
Unplug from the “civilized” paradigm and take control of your life.

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