The UNcivilized Podcast

| Jul 01, 2021

Free-diving into darkness and dancing with cancer with Melannie Bachman

Melannie Bachman

Listen to the UNcivilized Podcast:

“The real pandemic is cancer.” — Melannie Bachman

Melannie is a lively, wild, and vibrant woman with a love for the sea as great as its depth. Unfortunately, her life took a drastic twist when she was diagnosed with breast cancer.

Cancer is a condition that has claimed millions of lives and tackles a new victim every day. People full of dreams and goals have to put their lives on hold due to this condition and the multiple treatments needed to remove it from the body, which is slowly weakening.

Today, Melannie comes to share her story—a story where we can listen to a strong woman who, despite suffering from this terrible condition in this interview, welcomes us with her joy and charisma. We will listen to her experience, how her life suddenly changed and how this news affected her relationship with her partner.

There are people in the world who go through worse circumstances than many of us, and they still decide to move on and show their love, affection, and sympathy; that's something to admire.

You will love this episode, I promise you.


Melannie is a Yoga Teacher (RYT 200), published Marine Scientist, and Dive Instructor (PADI & SSI - Freedive & Scuba). She is passionate about the art of breath hold diving and our connection to the breath as well as water via immersion, and community. She is currently on a journey of cancer treatments for triple negative breast cancer with her newly discovered BRCA1 gene mutation.  A true island girl at heart, she enjoys all things in, below, and around the salty blue such as diving, sailing, yoga and of course world traveling.


GoFundMe: Melannie'sFightAgainstCancer
Instagram: @salty_soulshine
Website: Thought Catalog
Dive Website: DiveNewsWire


[3:47] Meet Melannie Bachman.
[9:21] Having cancer at 35.
[11:04] No time to process it.
[19:03] The types of treatments for cancer.
[22:59] What kind of support do people with cancer need?
[29:43] A life around the darkness.
[34:18] Melannie's resilience.
[38:14] Why are we so scared to talk about death?
[52:32] What can we do to help Melannie.
[54:53] Where to find Melannie.

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