The UNcivilized Podcast
| Sep 15, 2023How to spot the female version of a Nice Guy

Listen to the UNcivilized Podcast:
We hear a LOT about Nice Guys, especially around the UNcivilized. Many men come to men’s work after discovering that they themselves are Nice Guys and this is their entree point onto the path of becoming whole as a man.
But what is the female equivalent of Nice Guy? And how do you spot it whether you’re in the dating world or not.
In this short solo episode I break down the Good Girl, how to spot her, and why, just like the Nice Guy, what sounds great at first…doesn’t last.
If you look at the civilized world and think, "no thank you," then you should subscribe to our podcast, so you don't miss a single episode! Also, join the uncivilized community, and connect with me on my website, YouTube, orInstagram so you can join in on our live recordings, ask questions to guests, and more.
- Get a copy of one of my books, Man UNcivilized and Today I Rise
- Click here to sign up for the Kill the Nice Guy course.
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