The UNcivilized Podcast

| May 14, 2020

The power of conscious sinning with Sophie Josephina

Listen to the UNcivilized Podcast:

Are you living your fully expressed self? In this episode, I was joined by Sophia Josephina, a life, sex and relating coach and teacher who helps us understand how to come back into your body. We talk about everything from living as a fully expressed and sexually liberated woman (her experience and how men often react to having a partner with a high sex drive). Sophie shares her own experience of transitioning to work around tantra, sex and relationships after years of working as a quantum physicist. She shares how to give yourself permission to experience pleasure, celebrate your own sexual energy and the outcomes of owning your own sexuality. We also chat about the demonization of men’s turn-ons and how men and women often express love in vastly different ways.

About Sophie Josephina

Sophie Josephina is a conscious sex & relating coach. She combines the latest in neuroscience with the ancients teachings of tantra to create transformation on the deepest of the subconscious, all blended with the powers of sexuality. She is a data scientist turned sex coach and is now taking her analytical mind into the world of sexuality, relating and personal development. She works with masculine and feminine energies to empower people back into their essence so that they can live a fully nourished life, as well as helping people to live a sexually integrated one. She does private coaching for men, women and couples, as well as group coaching, workshops and retreats.

Connect with Sophie

Instagram: @sophie.josephina

What You’ll Hear

2:22 What’s going on in Sophie’s world right now
3:51 Sophie’s life, work and expression transition
6:51 The connection between disease and unexpressed trauma
8:32 Why she transitioned to work around tantra, sex and relationships
9:53 What tantra means to Sophie
12:34 What it means to come back into your body
14:51 The challenges she faced from dropping heavily into her body
16:08 Why western civilization is adverse to an inner dialogue
18:08 Sophie’s experience with working through her own intelligence
20:30 The clients she was focusing on when she made this transition
25:08 How to give yourself permission to experience pleasure
29:15 Her experience of being a highly-sexual woman in 2020
31:40 How male partners have navigated her high sex drive
37:15 How she worked through having partners who weren’t used to having a fully sexual liberated woman
39:03 How so many people fear awkwardness in intimacy
44:01 Taking a moment of reflection with your partner after sexual intimacy
46:12 Sophia’s advice for dealing with shame around sex drive
50:18 How to celebrate the sexualized part of yourself
53:07 The outcomes of owning your sexuality
55:38 The demonization of the turn-ons of men
01:02:25 How men and women express their love differently


Pussy: A Reclamation
Healing the Masculine
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