The UNcivilized Podcast

| Jul 10, 2023

Dr. Zhana Vrangalova — There’s more than monogamy.

Dr. Zhana Vrangalova

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Get ready to embark on a mind-bending journey into the wild and wonderful world of relationships! On this episode of the UNcivilized podcast, we're tearing down the walls of assumptions about love in America and turning things upside down.

We've got a special guest joining us today, the incredible Dr. Zhana, a true guru when it comes to human sexuality and relationships.

Prepare to have your mind blown because Dr. Zhana is about to drop some mind-boggling statistics that will make you rethink what you know about monogamy. Turns out, what people say about monogamy and what they actually do might not match up. Who would've thought?

But fear not, Dr. Zhana has got the answers. She'll unravel the alternatives and give us a peek into the fascinating world of non-monogamy and everything in between.

So get comfy and get ready for an adventure through the realms of love, lust, and limitless possibilities. We're going to dive deep into matters of the heart and the bedroom, and you don't want to miss out on this electrifying exploration. Don't miss this episode and let's get uncivilized together.



Dr. Zhana Vrangalova is an NYC-based sex researcher, speaker, writer, and consultant. With a PhD in Developmental Psychology from Cornell University, she has conducted extensive research on sexuality and well-being. As an adjunct professor at New York University, she teaches Human Sexuality courses.

Dr. Zhana created The Casual Sex Project, where thousands of real hookup stories are shared. She co-hosted the Science of Sex Podcast, featuring 59 episodes of interviews with scientists. Her latest venture is the Open Smarter course, helping people discover their ideal relationship type through science-based assessments.


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WHAT YOU WILL HEAR  [05:17] Meeting Dr. Zhana.

[07:51] Challenges in monogamous relationships.

[17:25] Exploring alternative relationship structures.

[24:01] Questions about non-monogamy: Assessing relationship orientation.

[39:38] Discussing non-monogamy with your partner.

[47:20] Challenges in non-monogamy.

[55:53] Research and understanding relationship types.

[1:04:46] Where to find Dr. Zhana.

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